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The $5,000 Marvin White Scholarship presented to Courtney Tolson (photo) was one of 19 scholarships with a total value of $27,250 that were presented by the Lisbon Alumni Association to members of the David Anderson High School Class of 2017. The Kaufman Scholarship for Success was presented to Catelynn Frantz. Awarded the J.J. Patsey Scholarship for graduates entering the medical field were Catelynn Frantz and Morgan Germanovich. Lisbon Alumni Association scholarships were awarded to; Alexa Bell, Jaron Burgess, Lindsey Chludzinski, Seth Davis, Morgan Germanovich, Derek Joy, Aaron Kemats, Aliyah Leyman, Jacob Liberati, Mackenzie Mason, Julie Muntean, Karlee Pezzano, Anna Shasteen, Samantha Smith and David Toot.

Our Mission:

  • To give all Lisbon High School alumni the opportunity to join the Alumni Board in raising funds for future graduates.

  • To allow graduates of Lisbon High School to further their education by providing financial assistance through the Alumni Scholarship Fund. Since 1988, the Lisbon Alumni Association has awarded these scholarships.

  • To act as a connecting point for former students to re-establish their ties to Lisbon High School by hosting All School Reunions and other activities.

  • To serve former Lisbon High School students as well as the community

  • To insure the future of Lisbon High School graduates by continually funding alumni scholarships through fund raising events.